Nov. 17th-Dec. 8th

  PreK Press            

Reading Buddies Feast:  Our yearly tradition of having a Mini-Thanksgiving feast with Reading Buddies was a huge success!  Thank you to everyone who so generously contributed food, drinks, and paper goods.  We appreciate your willingness to help and provide for this special occasion.  Full tummies, group hugs, and huge smiles all around.  What could be better?

Bears, Bears, and More Bears:   We started last week to learn about bears - both real ones and stuffed ones.  We began by asking the essential question: What do we know about bears?  Children shared their knowledge and ideas willingly and we are adding to that list of facts as we learn more daily.  The children have created a class bear mural, made bears out of construction paper, drawn trees for their forest, are using bears with the tree blocks, using bear count and sorts for classifying and will be doing several more bear related activities.  There will be a couple of days next week where we will need a little help from you (don’t worry - it will be easy).  Please help your child to bring in the following:

  ***  Tuesday, Dec. 13th - bring in the smallest bear (stuffed, ceramic, plastic, etc.)

  ***  Wednesday, Dec. 14th - bring in your favorite stuffed bear
Please be on the lookout for a notice in the lunchbox with further instructions.

The 40 Bear Book Challenge:  The PreKers are very excited to be participating in our 40 bear book challenge!  We set a goal of reading 40 books about bears (both fiction and nonfiction) during our 3 week unit on bears.  We are already making progress, writing a list of all the titles, and counting daily to see how many we have read and how many more we have to go.  We’ll let you know the end result.  This challenge ends on December 16th.

December Holidays:  There is something about December that makes the time seem to fly by even faster than usual, and this is especially true this year.  In addition to our study of bears, we are also spending time in class talking about December holidays and traditions. The children will be busy with related activities, seasonal decorations, and projects.  

Lord & Lady of Levity Proclamation:  Another TCS tradition is the Lord and Lady of Levity Proclamation.  At the end of this week (Friday, Dec. 9th), you will receive an email from TCS (please be sure to check your email) with this proclamation.  It will inform you of the special dress days for the last week of school in December.  While we don’t yet know what these days ahead may be, please know that, (except for Friday) this is not mandatory and your child is free to dress up or not as he/she sees fit.  If there are any changes, we will let you know.  Please ask us if you have any questions.

Holiday Program:  Please read the page attached to the end of this newsletter for specific and important information about the upcoming Holiday Program on December 16th.  

Reading Buddy Gifts:  The PreKers and Fourth Graders will share some special time together before the holidays.  We realize that there are some strong friendships between buddies, but we ask that you please do not bring any gifts to school for Reading Buddies.  The PreKers will be making cards for them as a way to extend their greetings and we feel that is enough.  We also do not want any hurt feelings that come about as a result of some children receiving gifts and others not receiving any. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Box Tops for Education:  We continue to collect these in the container located outside our classroom on the small table.  Thanks for your help.

Important Information & Dates to Remember:

From our Dean of Students - Mrs. Coyne

Subject: Important Upcoming Dates

The Holiday Concert for students in PreSchool - Grade 8 is Friday, Dec. 16 starting at 9:00 a.m. and that day will be an early dismissal with no Owl's Nest offered.

School vacation Owl's Nest is offered December 19 - 23 from 8:00 - 5:00. Sign up is required so we can properly staff. January 2 is now a no school day per the calendar change letter from Head of School, John Fixx earlier this fall. If your family needs Owl's Nest that day you are also asked to sign up using the form found here:

For students who are in grades 3 - 8 Hoop Dreams Basketball Camp is offered Dec. 19 - 23 as well.  Please sign up here:

***Thursday, Dec. 8th - Middle School Winter Concert at 7:00 PM.

***Wednesday, Dec. 14th - Owliday 3:15 - 4:30  Please refer to the attached notice for additional information.  

***Friday, Dec. 16th - TCS Annual Holiday Program at 9:00 AM with dismissal from the classroom immediately following the concert.  Please read the attached information sheet.

Dress for the Weather:  As the weather changes and we move into 2017, please be sure to send your child in with a LABELED coat, hat, and mittens.  (Gloves are okay as long as your child can put them on independently.)  We will also need snow pants and boots in a separate sturdy plastic bag whenever there is snow on the ground.  You are welcome to leave the snow clothes on your child’s hook in the hall during the week and take them home for washing on Fridays.

This will be our last newsletter before the holiday break.  Thank you for all your support, help, and participation so far this year.   It is very much appreciated.  We wish you all a wonderful, relaxing, and healthy holiday season.  See you in 2017!  


Here is some important information concerning the Holiday Program.  Please speak to us if you have any questions or concerns.

  1. The program begins at 9:00 A.M. Friday, December 16th. Children need to be in their classroom by 8:15.
  2. The children walk to the program with their class.
  3. The children sit with their class during the entire program.
  4. The PreKers will be escorted back to class by their Reading Buddies at the end of the program.
  5. Dismissal for the day (and for vacation) is from the classroom IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING the Holiday Program.
  6. The general rule is to dress UP, not DOWN!  Holiday attire and festive clothing help make the program even more special.
  7. Children will NOT NEED LUNCH!
  8. There is no Owl’s Nest care available.
  9. You are welcome to invite family and friends to attend.  The more the merrier!

Wishing you and your family the best of the holiday season.

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