
Jan. 13th – Feb. 3rd

We are now fully immersed in our dinosaur unit!  The children love learning all the correct dinosaur names, whether they were plant or meat eaters, and what many of their individual characteristics were.  We have already shared many interesting facts, have begun creating a dinosaur vocabulary list (which includes words such as paleontologist, extinct, excavate, frill, crest, fossil, and skeleton), have begun a “50 dinosaur book” challenge (we are currently at 23), and have talked about whether the books we are reading are fiction or nonfiction.  There have been many exciting dinosaur activities completed already and many more to come.  Please be sure to check out the classroom mural, easel paintings, and all the other materials and artwork.  

Celebration of Learning - Dinosaurs                                         

As a culmination of our study of dinosaurs there will be a special celebration of learning in our classroom, hallway, and STEAM LAB on Monday. March 6th from 8:00 – 8:45 AM.  Please mark your calendar, allow some extra time at drop-off, and come check out these wonderful activities.  

Parent Conferences

There is no school for children on Friday, February 24th as that is our next Parent Conference Day. The sign-up sheet is now posted just outside the classroom.  As always, we look forward to talking with all of you about your terrific children!  Hopefully there is a time slot that works for you and, if not,  please contact Ms. Hard directly so we can find an alternative.

Snow Clothes
This is a reminder to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE label all snow gear with your child’s name so that all clothing can be easily identified.  Thank you for your help - having everything labeled really makes a difference.

Happy Long Weekend
TCS will be closed on Monday, February 20th.  Enjoy the long weekend!

Save the Dates

* Saturday, February 11th - PreS & PreK screenings (new students only).    Contact admissions office for further information.
* Tuesday, February 14th – Valentine’s Day Celebration (refer to the end of this newsletter for additional information.)
* Tuesday, February 14th - Dress Down Day for the Heart Association
* Monday, February 20th  No School
* Friday, February 24th - Parent Conferences
* Friday, March 3rd - BINGO Night - sponsored by the PTA
* Monday, March 6th - Celebration of Learning - Dinosaurs  8:00 - 8:45 AM

PreK Valentine Celebration

The PreKers will be having a small Valentine’s Day celebration on Tuesday, February 14th that will include a special snack (a sign-up sheet is posted in the hallway) and the passing out of valentines.  There is no need to send your child’s regular snack on that day.  If your child participates in the 3 day per week option, please have them bring their valentines on Monday.  Send your child to school with valentines for each child in the class and have them sign their name on each card.  The children may also address them if they want to, but it is not necessary.  We will be helping them distribute the cards.  They will also be making valentine holders in class so there is no need to send in any type of container from home.  Here is a list of all the children in the class for your convenience:

                Blake                                          Jimmy
                  Cristina                                        Khaleesi
                    Dylan                                            Nina
                    Ellery                                           Patrick
                    Emmy                                            Sahil
                    Ethan                                             Sam
                   Hadley                                            Soleil
                    Henry                                            Tash
                     Izzy                                             Tucker

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