
Feb. 22nd – March 27th

Newsletter Update

Thanks to the snow day we had on the Friday before our vacation began, this newsletter is getting to you now rather than 2 weeks ago.  Our apologies for the delay but hopefully the information will be just as relevant.


We hope you all had a fun, relaxing vacation and that you are as excited about the prospects of a beautiful spring as we are.  The months ahead we will be very busy ones for us in PreK and we will do our best to keep you informed of all that will be happening.

 Dinosaur Days

We have officially ended our unit on dinosaurs and are sure you now know that this was a favorite topic for PreKers!  They thoroughly enjoyed learning all about these amazing creatures.  We were pleased that so many of you were able to attend our Celebration of Learning - Dinosaurs and share in the joy they had in showing off their work and their knowledge.   Collaborating with Ms. Smelser and Mrs. Cornell, the children’s experiences in the classroom, the STEAM lab and the art space complimented, and often piggybacked on each other and exposed them to multiple disciplines and experiences.  As you saw on the checklist for our celebration, there were many varied activities and projects that fostered exploration, experimentation, participation and additional learning.  While it is always a little sad to say goodbye to the dinosaurs, it is also very exciting to begin focusing on other interesting topics...

...And speaking of other topics, we are excited to begin our unit on bridges this week.  We have many activities planned and look forward to having the children learn lots of information about bridges - their purposes, the different types, how they are made and what they are made of.  We will keep you posted on the projects and activities and will let you know the date of our Celebration of Learning - Bridges once we have it finalized.

Class Book

The PreKers have each contributed to our class book entitled “Our Favorite Dinosaurs”.  The book will be in circulation beginning today and we hope that you enjoy it overnight, write a brief note on the last page, and return it to school the following day.  Please remember that it is very important that it come back to school in a timely manner, as all of the children will be waiting for their turn!  Thanks.

Dr. Seuss and Read Across America

During our final week prior to March vacation we were also busy celebrating Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’ birthday.  We shared several Dr. Seuss stories in class and had Mrs. Hornyak (TCS reading specialist) in as a guest reader.  We also visited the Kindergarten classrooms where all the current Kindergarteners read Dr. Seuss books and some of their own writing from their poetry journals to the PreKers.  These exciting opportunities further encourage and promote the development of important pre-reading and beginning reading skills, while also fostering a love of literature.

PreK Talents
As you read in our last newsletter, the sharing of PreK talents will begin soon.  Please remember that you will receive a notice in your child’s lunchbox a week prior to their assigned date for sharing.  If you have any questions, please ask.

Bingo for Books
Thank you to our PreK room parents and everyone else who volunteered to help out with the very successful Bingo Night.  All of your efforts and work are truly appreciated.

Planning Ahead:  Dates To Remember

  IDEA Day - Friday, April 21
  TCS Auction/Fundraiser - Friday, April 21
  PreK Concert - Friday, April 28
  Grandparents & Special Friends Day - Friday, May 12
  Field Trip To Grass Island - TBD

Please be sure to check out The Little Hoot each week for additional information about IDEA day, the TCS Auction/Fundraiser and Grandparents and Special Friends Day.


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