
PreK Press
January 3- January 12

Welcome Back:  It is always such a joy to return to school after a vacation and see how happy the children are to be back with their friends in PreK!  As we enter the new year, we continue to be grateful to play a role in your child’s life, and we thank you for sharing them with us.  

Holiday Program: We would be remiss if we didn’t take a moment to acknowledge the wonderful job the PreKers did during their performance for the Holiday Program.  It is always a thrill to see them up on stage, doing their best, sharing their smiles and voices, and experiencing another TCS tradition.  Not only did they do an excellent job singing on stage, but they were also amazingly terrific audience members!  Bravo!!  

Dinosaur Study:  Last week, as the children were busy playing, learning, sharing stories, renewing friendships, and talking about the year 2017, they were also anxiously asking “What are we going to learn about next?”  After being told that it was “a surprise”, we can now tell you that the surprise is over!  Starting this past Monday the PreKers have begun what we believe will become one of their favorite units of study - DINOSAURS.  The children have already been introduced to many of the materials that will help them learn about these fascinating but extinct creatures.  They will be learning all the correct names of the dinosaurs, whether they ate plants (herbivores), meat (carnivores), or both (omnivores), what their habitats were like, and whether or not they were “friendly”.  We will be sharing many interesting facts over the next few weeks and you may be surprised by how much information your children learn!  We have lots of exciting activities planned so keep your eyes open for projects being sent home and others displayed in the classroom.  We will also be having a Celebration of Learning - Dinosaurs as we near the end of our study.  We will let you know the date once it is confirmed.  

New Friend in PreK: We are very happy to announce that Hadley has joined the PreK class and we look forward to the months ahead together.  Many of you are already familiar with the family and we know you will join us in extending a warm welcome to the entire family.  Welcome Hadley, Maressa and Joe!

Upcoming Four Day Weekend:  Just a reminder that there is no school for the children this coming Friday, January 13th and the following Monday, January 16th.

Outdoor Winter Clothes:  Now that we are fully into New England winter weather, please be sure to send your child to school daily with a LABELED coat, hat and mittens.  (Gloves are okay as long as your child can put them on independently.)  Your child also needs to have snow pants and boots (also LABELED), whenever there is snow on the ground.  If you would like to leave their boots and snow pants at school, you are welcome to do so. Please put them in a labeled, large, sturdy plastic or cloth bag, hang them on their hook in the hallway, and then let us know.  We will send them home on Fridays so they can be washed as needed.  It is very important that when children wear boots to school that they also have a pair of shoes to change into every day.  Please also be sure that they have sneakers on gym days (Tuesdays).

Snack Schedule on Delayed Opening Days:  PreKers usually have snack around 9:30 each day.  On days that we have a delayed opening due to inclement weather, please do not send in snack but rather make sure your child has had their breakfast and/or snack before they come to school.  Thank You.

Parent Conferences:  Our next parent conferences are scheduled for Friday, February 27th.  A sign-up sheet will be posted just outside our classroom next week.  Please sign up at your earliest convenience and let us know if you have any questions.

Pizza Day:  Please remember to send in a lunchbox every day for your child even if they are signed up for pizza on Fridays.  The children usually look for a dessert, a drink or a small snack after eating their pizza and also need an alternative in case they don’t feel like pizza that day.  Thanks!

Box Tops for Education:  TCS is continuing to collect Box Tops for Education.  Please put them in the container hanging above the table right outside the classroom.  

Dates to Remember:

Friday, Jan. 13th -  No School (Professional Development Day)
Monday, Jan. 16th - No School (Martin Luther King Day)
Friday, Jan. 27th - PTA sponsored Game Night (from 5:00 - 7:30 PM)
Sunday, Jan. 29th - TCS Open House
Saturday, Feb. 11th - PreSchool and PreKindergarten screenings - NEW STUDENTS ONLY - contact admissions office for additional information

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