PreK Press
October 11 - October 28
PARENT CONFERENCES: Thank you to all of the parents who were able to be here for parent conferences. It is such an important time for teachers and parents to share information about the children as we work together to help nurture and educate them.
BUSY DAYS IN PreK: We have been having so much fun and learning so many new things in PreK! The children have now progressed enough so that each day we have one child read our daily Helper’s Chart and we have another child read our Daily Schedule. They are so happy to recognize many of the names of their friends, identify the jobs on the Helper’s Chart and read this information to the class. Being able to stand up in front of their classmates and share these experiences is wonderful to watch. We have also been learning about patterns. The basic AB pattern has been mastered by all so we have just moved on to AAB patterns. The children are excited to be able to name, create and extend their own patterns now when using pegs, mosaic buttons, cuisenaire rods, etc. Fall and Halloween related activities have provided the PreKers with multiple opportunities to develop and refine their pencil and scissor grips while also helping to decorate the classroom.
HALLOWEEN REMINDERS: We want to reiterate a few important points regarding our Halloween Parade and celebration:
- It will be next Monday, October 31st at 8:30 AM.
- All children should be dressed in costume and in class by 8:15 so we have time to prepare and get organized as a class.
- Parents are expected to wait outside the building along the parade route for the parade to begin. (The route will begin right outside the Clark House, head up to the flagpole and then take them clockwise around the new ellipse until they reach the courtyard where they will then continue directly into the gym.)
- Please have your child’s change of clothes in a LABELED bag in or with their backpack, as we will be helping them change immediately following our special Halloween Lower School Radio Show.
- Parents and siblings are all invited to attend our Lower School Radio Show - Halloween edition - in the gym immediately following the parade.
- If you signed up to bring food, drinks or paper goods for our special snack, please bring them directly to the classroom Friday morning as well.
DRESS DOWN DAY: On Monday, October 31st TCS students will have a dress down day following the Halloween Parade. Children are welcome to wear jeans, T-shirts and other more casual clothing for the remainder of the day but we are requesting that all children bring in $2.00 to contribute to the Community Dining Room (Branford) new refrigerator fund. All donations are welcome as the school tries to raise enough money to finance this purchase. Thanks for your help.
TCS OPEN HOUSE: On Sunday, November 6th TCS is holding an Open House from 1:00 – 3:30 P.M. If you know of anyone who might be interested in learning more about The Country School, please be sure to let them know of this event and tell them to stop by.
LEADERSHIP: TCS, through its Elmore Leadership Initiative, is committed to providing opportunities for all students (regardless of age) to participate in leadership roles. In PreK we start with the basics. The children will all have the chance to be the news reporter, snack helpers, the line leader, and the flag holder - to name just a few. In addition we ask for volunteers daily to help in a variety of capacities, and encourage (but don’t require) everyone to be a PreK class spokesperson at our Lower School Radio Show each Wednesday.
READING BUDDIES MINI-FEAST: One of the most treasured PreK traditions is our annual Mini-Thanksgiving Feast with Reading Buddies. This year it is scheduled for Friday, November 18th and we will be posting a special sign-up sheet outside the classroom for anyone who is interested and able to help provide goodies. The feast will take place in the cafeteria at about 9:00 when the PreKers and Fourth Graders will come together for about an hour of special snacks, a story, and our Reading Buddies song. It is very likely that your child will not eat much lunch due to the expanded snack so don’t be surprised if their lunch boxes come home with lots of food still in them! Please do NOT send in their regular snack.
THANKSGIVING VACATION: TCS will be closed Wednesday, November 23rd through Sunday, November 27th for the Thanksgiving holiday. We wish you a restful and happy holiday.
HOLIDAY PROGRAM: Even though it is several weeks away, please put Friday, December 19th on your calendar. This is the day of TCS Holiday Program. All children participate and all parents are strongly encouraged to attend. Please watch for additional information.
WATER BOTTLE ASSISTANCE: We are thrilled that so many children are bringing in their own water bottles! To help streamline our morning snack though, we ask that you please help your child put their water bottle on the shelf right above their name and right next to their lunchbox when they arrive at school. Thank You.
INFLUENZA VACCINES: Please read and respond as needed to the following message from our school nurse Laura Fucci regarding flu vaccines for your children. Thank you.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Hope this note finds you all well. I am writing today as a friendly reminder to
please submit documentation for the influenza vaccine as requested in an earlier correspondence letter. Per state mandate, all children ages 24 months to 4 years
must have one dose of influenza administered each year between August 1st and December 31st (2 doses separated by at least 28 days required for those receiving flu vaccine for first time). Documentation may be faxed, emailed, or delivered hard copy, please see contact information below. Thanks so much for your prompt attention.
Warm Regards,
Laura Fucci, RN
The Country School
341 Opening Hill Rd
Madison, CT 06443
203-421-3113, Ext.186/
Confidential FAX to Health Office 1-860-469-2550
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