PreK Press
September 7 - September 15
The PreKers have had a wonderful start to the school year and it has been fun to watch friendships blossom and routines begin to be established as the children settle into the busy life of a PreKer. They continue to learn more about their classmates and their teachers while spending time together exploring the classroom, the playground, and the campus. We are keenly aware that children adjust differently to new situations and environments so please don't be too concerned if your child does not yet feel quite settled. Time is on our side!
Within the classroom, the children have been busy investigating their space and doing such things as:
*Painting at the easel
*Using watercolors and dot paints
*Finger-painting with shaving cream
*Making a cooperation collage
*Using the sand table
*Drawing self-portraits
*Playing with playdoh
*Listening to stories
*Singing and dancing
*Building with several kinds of blocks
*Exploring a wide variety of manipulatives
There is always a great deal to see, do, learn, try, explore, touch, experiment, and have fun with In PreK!
Parents are welcome to come into the classroom throughout the year to see the variety of projects and activities that are either in progress or completed. Currently, self-portraits (which will be sent home at the end of the year), primary color easel paintings, “coloring inside the lines” papers and the "cooperation collage" the children created are all in the process of being displayed. We will be spending time in the weeks ahead learning about colors, so be on the lookout for some color related activities and your child’s own color book!
The children have had the opportunity to meet all their co-curricular teachers and look forward to starting all of these classes next week. They have met the following teachers:
Ms. Smelser (aka Ms. S.) & Mrs. Cornell - STEAM
Senorita Balchunas - Spanish
Mrs. Wepler - Music
Mr. Wallack - Physical Education
Mr. Robertson - Library
(in no particular order)
PARENT CONFERENCES: Friday, October 21st is Parent Conference Day and I look forward to this opportunity to talk with you about your children. There are no classes for students but Owl's Nest care will be available during your conference time by advance registration. Please refer to the Owl’s Nest link on the TCS website for additional information regarding this option. Also be on the lookout for the conference sign-up sheet which will be posted outside our classroom soon.
NO SCHOOL: TCS will be closed on Monday, October 3rd and Wednesday, October 12th. Also, as mentioned above, students will not have class on Friday, October 21st since it is parent conference day.
ARRIVAL TIME: Classrooms open at 8:00 A.M. Families requiring care prior to that time are welcome to sign up for the Owl’s Nest Before School program. This year they will be in Mrs. Kiely’s Kindergarten class in the Clark House and will be escorted to the classroom at 8:00. Children who arrive at TCS after 8:15 will be marked as tardy and will need to be signed in at The Farmhouse before coming to class.
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: Please join us on Thursday, September 22nd starting at 5:30 PM for Back To School Night. It is a great evening that provides opportunities for community building, school wide information gathering, and classroom specifics. We hope to see you there!
PICK UP: For safety reasons, we need to know about changes in your child's dismissal schedule and we need to have the correct information in case your child asks. Please notify teachers in writing if someone different will be picking your child up or if you need to alter your regular dismissal plans.
SHOES: For both safety and comfort reasons, closed-toe shoes and sneakers are best for PreKers. In addition, please be sure that your child wears sneakers for gym every Tuesday.
LIBRARY BOOKS: Thursday is Library day for PreKers. When they are finished with their books they can be returned to class at any time during the week. Please put them in the blue basket located on the table above the snack baskets just outside the classroom.
PIZZA: Children who are signed up for pizza should also be bringing their lunchbox to school with some type of snack, drink, fruit or dessert. They do get hungry during the day, sometimes don’t feel like eating pizza, and usually need something else in addition to the pizza. If you have not yet signed your child up and wish to do so, you will find the form on line on the TCS website.
TCS PHOTO DAY: TCS Picture Day is scheduled for Friday, October 7th. Additional information will be sent home in the near future.
DRESS DOWN DAYS: Occasionally during the school year we have "dress down” days. What this means is that children may wear jeans, T-shirts, and other clothes that are not part of our normal daily dress code. (No costumes, however.) Please make sure that, while their dress may be more casual in nature, it remains appropriate for all school activities.
LABELED SNACK BAGS & LUNCH BOXES: Please be sure that your child’s snack, snack bag, (no lunch boxes for snack please) and lunch box are clearly marked with your child’s name. Thank you - it really helps both students and teachers alike!
EXTRA CLOTHES: For those who have not yet provided us with an extra change of clothing to be left at school, please do so as soon as possible.
READING BUDDIES: The PreKers and Fourth Grade Reading Buddies met last Friday as a group and enjoyed listening to a story together. This Friday they will get together again and meet their smaller Reading Buddy groups. We will then continue to get together with them on most Fridays after that, and will keep you posted on our activities.
MANILA ENVELOPES: On most alternating weeks (starting today) we will be sending home notices and newsletters from school in your child's manila envelope. PLEASE RETURN THE EMPTY ENVELOPE TO THE CLASSROOM THE FOLLOWING DAY, as we will be using the same envelope all year. (Manila folders and library books can be put in the same blue basket located on the table above the snack baskets just outside the classroom.)
RESTING IN PreK: For those children that stay through the afternoon, please let us know if you want/need us to limit the length of time they sleep. (We can wake individual children up as requested.)
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION: TCS continues to collect box tops for education. If you are interested in contributing, the container is on the table above the snack baskets.
PreK BLOG: Please be sure to visit our PreK blog for frequent photos and updates. You can access it by going to the TCS website and then click on Teacher Pages PreK.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Here are a few important dates to put on your calendar:
Friday, Sept. 16th - “Music Together” presentation 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Thursday, Sept. 22nd - Back To School Night
Monday, Oct. 3rd - No School - Rosh Hashanah
Friday, Oct. 7th - TCS Picture Day
Wednesday, Oct. 12th - No School - Yom Kippur
Monday, Oct. 31st - Annual TCS Halloween Parade 8:30 AM
Tuesday, Nov. 1st - No School for students - Professional Development
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