PreK Press
February 3rd - February 21st
We wish to thank all who so generously contributed paper goods, drinks, and goodies for our Valentine celebration. The children had a wonderful time! We also want to thank you for all the Valentine cards and gifts. We appreciate your generosity and thoughtfulness!
As a culmination of our study of dinosaurs, there will be a special Celebration of Learning in our classroom, hallway, and STEAM LAB on Monday, March 6th from 8:00 – 8:45 AM. Please mark your calendar, arrive as close to 8:00 as possible, allow some extra time at drop-off, and come check out the numerous activities your children have worked on.
There is no school for children this Friday, February 24th as that is Parent Conference Day. The sign-up sheet is posted just outside the classroom. As always, we look forward to talking with all of you about your terrific children! Hopefully there is a time slot that works for you and, if not, please contact Ms. Hard directly so an alternative time can be found.
The date for our annual PreK Concert has been chosen so please be sure to mark your calendar for Friday, April 28th. It will be held in the gym at 8:30 A.M. More information will follow but in the meantime, please save the date for this exciting event!
The sign-up sheet for BINGO FOR BOOKS is hanging up in the Clark House hallway and we are still in need of additional volunteers to help out on Friday, March 3rd. Please sign up as soon as possible and help out with this fun event.
If you have any gently used books you would like to donate to the BINGO FOR BOOKS event, please put them in the black milk crates that are in the Clark House hallway. Thank you.
As you hopefully read in the Little Hoot, tomorrow - Wed. February 22nd - is a Dress Down Day for the TCS community. This year, in lieu of participating in Jump Rope for Heart, we will hold a Red/Pink Dress Down Day as we raise money for the American Heart Association. All monetary donations can be brought directly to the classroom and we will deliver them to Nurse Fucci. Thank you for your help.
If you haven’t recently taken the time to check out our PreK blog, please go to The Country School website, click on “teacher pages” and then click on PreK. There are some great photos posted of things that are happening in the classroom and it is being updated regularly along with a variety of poems, fingerplays and our newsletter.
After months of watching the Fourth Graders present their talents to Reading Buddies, beginning right after our March vacation, it will be time for the PreKers to begin presenting their talents! Each week we will help the children decide which day they will do their talent. We will then send a note home in their blue bins-a week in advance-to let you know. Please remember that this is to be a FUN, NON-STRESSFUL activity! The children can choose to share or talk about a special talent (karate, ballet, gymnastics, soccer, art, music, etc.) or a special interest (trucks, animals, dolls, etc.) There is no one activity that is preferable over another, there are no minimum time requirements, and we are always right there to help and assist the children in any way possible. Please feel free to let your child decide and use his or her imagination when deciding! Remember that they are 4 and 5 years old and there is nothing they can do that will be wrong!!! If you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns, or are looking for some suggestions, please let us know. Also remember that you will receive a notice a week before it is your child’s turn.
* Wednesday, February 22nd - Dress Down Day for the Heart Association
* Friday, February 24th - Parent Conferences
* Friday, March 3rd - BINGO Night - sponsored by the PTA
* Monday, March 6th - Celebration of Learning - Dinosaurs 8:00 - 8:45 AM
* Friday, April 28th - PreK Concert 8:30 AM
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