Thursday, October 27, 2016

This week in PreK we enjoyed our first... SNOW!

We hunted for letters and circled them.

 We painted stuffed paper bags to create pumpkins.

 We sorted tiny animals and counted them as they were placed on tiny wooden cookies.
 We used Cuisenaire Rods to create designs and...
 compare sizes.

Friday, October 14, 2016

This week in PreK we...

put gears in motion,
 constructed with yogurt cups and patience,

found musical connections between an alphabet poster and the ABC song,
kept the beat with lummi sticks,

and investigated natural wonders with 
scientific tools. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

In PreK we like to...

trace lines with dry erase markers,

hammer nails,

look at books with friends,

be the daily news reporter,

and have our picture taken!
Yeah PreK!